Brillouin's theorem

Within quantum chemistry, Brillouin's theorem, proposed by the French physicist Léon Brillouin in 1934, runs as follows:

Suppose D1 is an optimized single determinant function and Dj is a determinant corresponding to any single excitation out of an orbital φj occupied in D1 and into the virtual subspace (orthogonal complement) of D1, then no improvement in energy is possible taking ψ = c1D1+c2Dj.

The proof of this theorem is as follows: begin with a basis set that spans a function space. A self-consistent field (SCF) calculation is performed, which produces the best single-determinant wavefunction we can possibly get within this function space. Call this D1. Dj differs from D1 in only one atomic orbital, which means they differ in only one row. A general property of determinants is that, if two of them differ in only one row or column, any linear combination of the two can be expressed as one determinant. Thus, any combination c1D1 + c2Dj can still be written as a single determinant. Since Dj makes no use of functions outside the original basis set, c1D1 + c2Dj is a single determinant within the original function space. However, D1 is already known to be the single determinant within this function space that gives the lowest energy, and therefore c1D1 + c2Dj cannot do better.